Regulatory Liaison

The SSCA is a proactive member of the following International and regional organisations:


1.International Organisation of Pension Supervisors(IOPS)
2.International Organisation of Securities Commissions(IOSCO)
3.International Association of Insurance Supervisors(IAIS)
4.Financial Action Task Force (FATF) through the Financial Intelligence Centre(FIC)
5.International Financial Consumer Protection Organisation(FinCoNet)


1.Committee of Insurance, Securities and Non-Banking Financial Authorities (CISNA)
2.Eastern and South African Anti Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)
3.African-Middle East Regional Committee (AMERC)
4.Growth and Emerging Markets Committee (GEM)

National Memoranda of Understanding

1.Amendment of SSCA and Prudential Authority MoU
2.SSCA and Prudential Authority MoU
3.SSCA and Financial Intelligence Centre
4.SSCA and National Credit Regulator
5.SSCA and South African Reserve Bank

The SSCA provides the secretariat and administrative services to CISNA. As the Secretariat, it provides necessary support for the bi-annual and other meetings of CISNA. It also manages the CISNA website

The SSCA liaises with, and monitor local and international regulatory developments in the financial sector, including developments within the Financial Stability Board, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Southern African Development Community, and similar bodies.

The SSCA engages and cooperates with various regulatory authorities. We had entered into bilateral and multilateral co-operation with local and foreign regulatory authorities through the signing of Memorandums of Understanding (MoU). The SSCA has entered into more than 95 MoUs (bilateral and multilateral MoUs). The latest list of MoUs can be found here.


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